Patients Age: 82
Admission Date: 1/24/17
Admitted From: Phelps Memorial Hospital Center
Discharge Date: 4/5/17
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 71 Days
Reason for Stay: Physical deconditioning, history of stroke
How did this patient hear about the Enclave? Westchester Medical Center
Details of Experience: Phelps Memorial Hospital Center
Rita was admitted to The Enclave at Rye Rehabilitation and Nursing Center on January 24, 2017 from Phelps Memorial Hospital Center following an inpatient hospitalization due to a GI bleed, which led to her physical de-conditioning. Her history of Hemiplegia and hemiparesis following cerebral infarction affecting her left, non-dominant side contributed to her general decline.
Upon admission, the interdisciplinary team at The Enclave introduced themselves and determined a care plan for Rita. The doctor, social worker, nurses and therapists all warmly welcomed Rita, allowing her to ease into her new, unfamiliar environment. Rita was assessed as requiring a mechanical lift for transfers, extensive assist of one for bed mobility, extensive assist of one for dressing and hygiene in addition to being non-ambulatory.
Robert, the physical therapist, began working with her to improve her strength and within a month, results could be seen as the mechanical lift was discontinued. She continued to make steady progress despite her multiple co-morbidities and by March 21, she was transferring with contact guard assist and began ambulating on the unit with a quad cane. Medically, the nurses were able to keep Rita healthy during her entire stay, monitoring her hypertension and type II diabetes, which played a pivotal role in allowing Rita to maximize her time in therapy, and get stronger. The occupational therapist continued restorative therapy so that dressing and hygiene could be performed with minimal assist, a goal that was met by this time.
Upon discharge, Rita surpassed the goals that had been set for her, in addition to improving beyond her previous functionality. For bed mobility she is now independent and functional transfers can be performed with modified independence. She can walk up eight steps with minimal assist and can walk a distance of fifty feet with a wide- based quad-cane and standby assist for safety. Rita is appreciating her increased mobility and functionality back at home, where she continues to be an active member of the community.