Patients Age: 94
Admission Date: 8/25/17
Admitted From: Greenwich Hospital
Discharge Date: 9/15/17
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 21 Days
Reason for Stay: General deconditioning due to Hypertensive crises and orthostatic hypotension. History of kidney disease.
How did Patient hear about The Enclave at Rye? Hospital discharge team
Details of Experience:
Vito arrived at The Enclave at Rye Rehabilitation and Nursing Center on August 25th, 2017 following an inpatient hospitalization at Greenwich Hospital due to hypertensive crises. Additionally, he experienced a number of falls at home due to his orthostatic hypotension while standing, leading to general muscle weakness and impaired standing balance. He was referred to The Enclave for sub-acute care and rehabilitation, a place he was familiar with as a family member had spent some time here in the past.
The interdisciplinary team, including clinicians, therapists, social worker and concierge, warmly welcomed Vito into his new environment, helping him to feel comfortable. He was assessed as requiring assistance of one for ambulation with extensive of one for all ADL’s (activities of daily living). This included grooming and toileting. His goal was to increase his functional mobility so that he could independently perform ambulation, transfers, and ADLs.
Vito began working out with Marlene, his physical therapist; to strengthen his lower extremities which improve his gait and balance, while concurrently working on his ADL’s. The Tinetti balance test was completed and identified that Vito was at risk for recurring. Through the hard work with Marlene, his Tinetti balance score improved to a 27 which made him significantly safer in the home setting and more stable in performing ambulation, transfers, and ADLs. Therapy continued to work on dynamic balance activities while standing, bilateral integration, energy conservation techniques, and techniques to increase safety for ADL’s.
In addition to the robust therapy regimen, as a Veteran of World War II, Vito benefitted from socializing with his fellow Veterans at The Enclave, over morning coffee at the café or outside in the garden. The warm, friendly atmosphere at The Enclave played a role in keeping Vito’s spirits high so that he could maximize his time in therapy.
Three weeks after coming to The Enclave, Vito was discharged back home to his community , with greater strength and safety awareness. He could perform adl’s independently, including dressing, bathing, and housekeeping independently, as his endurance had increased to standing with upper extremity support for over ten minutes!