Case Study: The Enclave at Rye Rehabilitation and Nursing Center (Q2 2022)

Concierge: Moshe Wachs
Patient age: 61
Admission Date: 4/26/2022
Admitted From: White Plains Hospital
Discharge Date: 5/16/2022
Length of Stay: 3 Weeks
Reason for Stay: Rehabilitation following knee replacement
How did the patient hear about The Enclave at Rye? Recommended by her doctor.

Details of Experience:

Karen was admitted to The Enclave at Rye Rehabilitation and Nursing Center on April 26, 2022, from White Plains Hospital. The Enclave at Rye was recommended to Karen by her surgeon following her knee replacement surgery.

Upon arrival, Karen was welcomed by the concierge, and she was immediately evaluated by the interdisciplinary team, including nursing, rehabilitation, social services, concierge, and recreation departments. Karen was in great spirits and eager to start her road to recovery.

The therapy team met with Karen and performed their evaluation. Karen had just undergone total knee replacement and was referred to rehab due to a new onset decrease in strength, post-operation pain in her left knee, and decreased functional mobility. She also had difficulty with transfers, reduced ability to safely ambulate, and reduced static and dynamic balance, placing her at risk for falls. Her dependency on caregivers increased, and her ability to return to her prior living environment decreased.

It was obvious that Karen would benefit from restorative OT and PT rehab to minimize impairments and increase independence with ADLs, functional mobility, and functional transfers to ensure a safe return to her prior level of life. Karen was a great friend to all, and she especially enjoyed the company of her roommate. Over the few weeks here, they became very close friends, always looking out for one another. Karen’s husband would visit daily, and the concierge always enjoyed talking and laughing with them. Karen gave it her all in the gym and especially loved working with her therapist, Jenny.

To best sum up Karen’s stay at the Enclave, I will borrow the exact words from her Google review. “The staff here is very good. They all have beautiful personalities, creating a great atmosphere for recouping from illness. The therapy staff is wonderful, especially Jenny, who is so good at her job. I came in not being able to walk up one step and now can do 39, and she was able to do it with no machines, Thank you, Jenny!”

Karen’s road to recovery was amazing to watch. After just three weeks, Karen was at her prior level of independence, and it was time for Karen to go home. We were all so happy for her, and we were all going to miss her smile and warm words. With tears and hugs from staff and patients, we all waved Karen off, confident that she was ready to return home!

We are proud of you and wish you only good health!