Patients Age: 71
Admission Date: 6/8/17
Admitted From: Greenwich Hospital
Discharge Date: 7/1/17
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 3 Weeks
Reason for Stay: General deconditioning due to dehydration, history of substance abuse, dysphagia, acute congestive heart failure
How did Patient hear about The Enclave at Rye? Greenwich Hospital
Details of Experience:
Eric arrived at The Enclave at Rye Rehabilitation and Nursing Center on June 8, 2017 following an inpatient hospitalization at Greenwich hospital due to dehydration from dysphagia, which exacerbated his acute congestive heart failure leading to general de-conditioning. Upon admission, Eric was greeted by the members of the interdisciplinary team who would oversee his care during his time at The Enclave, including the doctor, clinicians, social worker and administrative staff.
Eric presented with general muscle weakness, decreased endurance, and standing balance requiring extensive assist of one for functional mobility during activities of daily living (ADLs) and moderate assist of one for bed mobility and was non-ambulatory. Much to his chagrin, Eric’s diet was downgraded due to his dysphagia to a puree consistency with nectar thickened liquids to prevent the risk of aspirating.
The Speech Therapist, Mike, immediately began working with Eric to implement safe swallowing strategies with the goal of upgrading his diet to mechanical soft by discharge. With patience and determination, Eric regained strength and was upgraded to a chopped diet and thin liquid consistency after two weeks.
To facilitate improvement in ADLs, the Physical Therapist and the Occupational Therapist worked on muscle strength and mobility. After one week: his standing endurance had improved to moderate assist of one and he was able to dress and groom himself with a standby assist of one. Eric looked reinvigorated, allowing him to further progress in therapy.
Three weeks after coming to The Enclave, Eric was discharged back home a stronger, independent person. He could walk a distance of 350 feet and climb 15 steps independently. He could perform all ADLs independently, however, what really brought a smile to his face, was his upgraded diet. Now on a mechanical soft diet, he was able to enjoy his meals as he used to.